Training for Bushing Compounding, Design and Testing
Training for Bushing Compounding, Design and Testing

Section 5

How to Calculate Bushing Spring Rates

Bushing spring rate equations are detailed in a number of older publications however the explanation with various strain rates and construction methods has been inadequate.

Several cases of actual bushings will be discussed and one will be compared against finite element analysis. Detailed explanations and examples of formulas will be discussed and examples worked out vs actual lab results.

This Section Will Review:

 Rubber Shear Modulus vs Durometer

We will account for:

1) Amount of Bushing Rubber Construction Prestrain

Injection Molded Swaged Bushing 3 ~ 5 %
CJB or 3 piece Shot Bushing 20 – 30 %

2) Amount of Bushing Rubber Operational Strain 1 – 50 %

Shear Modulus must be corrected for above two factors

 Bushing Static Spring Rate Equations

Equations directions

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